Friday, February 25, 2011
The guys ended their 3 yrs poly life with PM2 on Wednesday. How niceeeee~ While the girls are still mugging hard for two more papers -.-
Right, two more papers; love/hate modules for me.
Meetup straight after PM2.
Down to The Cathay for Astons & movie (no strings attached)
Okayyy. A film way below my expectation.
Impromptu decision to have steamboat at Pita's place.
Whacked all the ingredients at PS Carrefour only to realise anyway we heading to Hougang which have NTUC there. Place back all the ingredients & trained to Hougang.
Another round of ingredients searching in Hougang Mall while Huiru went home to prepare Fried Rice & Agar Agar.
&&&......there goes our home-made steamboat preparation (:
preparing the golden mushrooms! Stinky roots.
Thats how MIC hold knife :X
Self-invented soup base!
Camwhored after dinner

Time for some Wall's dessert! :D

Huiru's agar agar (:

CLEANUP time!!
♥All this are happening because of this lovely host (:
Next up: Malaysia 1-day trip! =)
★left her thoughts at
9:27 PM