Friday, December 31, 2010
AWESOME CLASSMATES 2010!Wonderful mix of people; with them around, that's nothing but FUN & LAUGHTER!
Year 3 is ending in approx. 2 months, the guys will enlist into the NS while the girls; either work or further studies.
Thanks for the wonderful times we had (:
VIPs of 2010
First & foremost; JASREEL =)This girl here had been through thick & thin with me over the past 5 years.
& we both love buffets & KTV!
Trying to maintain this true friendship despite whatever that comes our way.
She laughs with me; & she cries with me.
NEXT: BENJAMIN!He speaks more than he listens. & he is a good listener.
I know he's someone I can count on to.
& he sings well (:

JENNY (xiaomei)The only band junior that I'm still in close contact. It's fate that brought this friendship back after 2 years. & we are school mates in SP again.
She is my laughter pill. & my frequent texts partner.
She talk; & i listen. HAHA!
last but not least; PATRICK! (Xiaodi)This is the boy that I find him so adorable & cute 5 yrs ago.
He is my MSN chat partner & we'd say everything under the Sun.
He seems like a psychic to me cause he always know what i'm thinking.
& I know he will be there whenever I need him =)
★left her thoughts at
3:00 PM
30/31st December 2010FYP at Vivo Starbucks with Pita & Huiru; submission next Wednesday .__.
Jenny came thereafter & time for PARTY WORLD KTV together with Patrick.
Its the 1st time the 3 of us went KTV together, AWESOME!
& it only cost $10.40 for 4 hours under student promo.
Kim Gary dinner; sis & gab joined us. All except me had baked rice.
Sis & gab left for home after shopping at Giant; met wantian to accompany her for dinner at Sky Garden.
&& it's been real long since I had a good laugh :X
Continue to slack until midnight & got chase by the security.
Camwhored outside Vivo;
Cabbed to Lau Pa Sat for Satay Supper & homeSWEEThome.

My laughter pill (:

She goes "Awww" practically at every love song. LOL

LOL. "siblings" shot

we named ourselves as- 3 bears. HAHA!

Moo-moo & Ju-ju

★left her thoughts at
2:16 PM

Monday, December 27, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Shopping with mom, sis & gabriel in NEX shopping mall =)

Miniature perfumes from BESTIE (:

SIS (:

ME (:

Oh yeah! My new studded ring~ ♥
★left her thoughts at
11:08 PM

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Here come my 3 weeks holidays =)
CHRISTMAS & 2011 COUNTDOWN. Anyway, it was usual-poly-clique-after-tests-celebration at Bugis LENAS yesterday.
& we practically spent 4 hours eating & talking.
Credits from wencai's iPhone =)

EGGS FEAST! -.- we are all anti-eggs now.HAHA.


pita, wencai, xianqi & desmond.

huiru & me





19 dec come quick!! :D
★left her thoughts at
9:50 PM