The three weeks YOG break had ended which means 3 weeks of exam is here!I'll be having my first MST paper tomorrow; & it's IT! & pls dear lappy, dont blue screen on me halfway through the paper, I will panic like mad =|Anyway the past few weeks had been great, & I practically wasted it by not revising. Ggrrr.Chronic insomnia was what I experienced every night. I could lie on the bed for 4 hours & eventually give up trying to sleep. hahs. 1 EXCITEMENT to share.I'm going to Hong Kong for holidays in October. How thrilling!! I'm gonna travel overseas with Jasreel, Patrick & Alex. Woots.& we managed to book our tickets & settled everything at the NATAS fair on Sunday. HOORAY!We will enjoy to our hearts content! Infallible friendship, unbreakable girlfriends! ♥♥♥
i wonder if we really look alike. HAHA!
purposely cock-eyes & fake-mustache shot. LOL
I gotta logoff; & revise my ARCHIBUS. BOOOO =.=
★left her thoughts at
11:21 PM
715 ♥my 2nd attempt to meet 戚玉武 in person.
Sending off at T1.

Incomparable hearts ;)

All his fans that were present to send him off.

Until the day I let you go,
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye.
Till I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
there will be no tears to cry on down the road
there is one thing I can't deny
It's not goodbye
★left her thoughts at
1:43 PM
Happy is the heart that holds a friend.
FRIDAY (20 Aug)
met up with clique at Clementi MRT on Friday; cabbed down to Kim's Family Restaurant for Korean Cuisine. The service was screwed this time round. What a staff they actually employed =.= The mood was kinda dampen due to the poor service, but overall the food was splendid.
Long bus ride down to Bugis, & throughout that 1 hour journey, I had a great chat with Benjamin. & he said: "I like to talk to you, cause you very direct & straightforward" :O
Finally reached Topone & we sang from 11 to 5am. SERIOUSLY exhausting.
Jasreel & Patrick almost stayed up for 24 hours straight.
Mac breakfast & hmSweethm =)
Got home at almost 7am. Slept all the way until 12 plus.
Initial plan was to go tanning; but well, Mr Sunny dont play along with me. BOOO~
Online & nua at home.
SUNDAY(22 Aug)
Church as usual. Gabriel came to our church today. I gotta miss YSA Convention this year =( because it falls between 10 to 12 Sept. My exam period. Ggrrr. Byebye Port Dickson.
Heavy lunch with family, rush home to prepare & headed for badminton with juniors from 2 to 4pm.
1 VS 1 with patrick before jenny came, then joined forces against patrick.
chris finally reached at 3plus & jenny got to leave.
The two guys had a very shiong game; & i chose to watch instead. HAHA.
hmSWEEThm thereafter =)
Our Korean Cusine =)
All the individual shots ^^

XD ♥

Awesome darlings! :)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
★left her thoughts at
8:20 PM

Thursday, August 19, 2010
met up with jenny in town for movie.
& we finally catch Despicable Me, its been released for quite some time & we only managed to catch it today. LOL. Very slow, I know =.=
Anyway, it was a great show. Very amusing =)
Dined at Thai express thereafter! My first meal of the day at 7.30pm. I promised I was dying of hunger =/
Arcade thereafter to play fishing game. Tokens after tokens. We cant even recoup our capital! SCREWED.
Camwhored & hmSWEEThm.
★left her thoughts at
12:27 AM
Belated birthday celebration for Desmond on the 4th Aug at Topone.
HAPPY 19th Birthday!
4 hours of singing; great times with the greatest people =)
Its a WHOLE LOT of pictures so I only did selective uploads. HAHA.
The lightings not bad uh.
Songs selection by wencai.
& this is xian qi. hah.
huiru finally sang! (Y)
TSKTSK. iPhone 4 eh ;X
Boring triplets. LOL.
Very got "FEEL" uh. HAH.
What more than a GREAT LAUGH?! ;D
me & desmond!

wencai & desmond!
desmond & xian qi!
desmond & huiru!
pita & desmond!
LOL. The kid in him.

CUT CAKE! He was so clumsy & huiru had to take over. HAHA!
& while huiru was distributing the cake, bday boy went on posing NON STOP. LOL.
WAHAHAHA! potential gay!
&& taadaa! His present :D
Every single detail. HAHA.
Afterwhich, dinner at takpo with Desmond & Wencai. & finally hmSWEEThm.
★left her thoughts at
4:19 PM