There are many issues on my mind which i cant speak of.
I just dont get it why are some people simply so insensitive. FINE. If that is so displeasing right from the beginning, then remove it right from the start. Why leave a bad trace & eventually you remove it? If you think thats fun, c'mon on! Put yourself in the same situation and THINK! I dont wish to be this offensive. But no one likes to be treated in that manner. Anyway, thanks MINORITIES! Your ungrateful attitude will bring KARMA, that falls hard, SHADOWS.
Everything at home just seems so frustrating.
The bursary is causing another nasty episode.
I lost out to my emotions.
I flared up & I got really upset. I dont wish to hear another remark made; because thats so annoying.
Things chilled, & at all times, Jasreel was my only confidant. Thanks sweets! :)
★left her thoughts at 9:44 PM
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The long weekend is coming to an end.
3 more hours to a new week! =.=
& i guess i've the need to update this space a little.
First & foremost, i got my LONGwaited iPhone on Monday! cheers^^
& bet those who owns it, are being hooked on, huh huh.
School's so much the same, late for lectures, skip a few when i overslept.
Met Wantian for dinner at tiong on Wednesday night.
Great chat, good times (:
We were very engrossed in something online, I was so worked up & i kept repeating "delete 错人了"
If "she" cant even differentiate good from bad, I dont know what else she's capable of. ZZzz =.=
Okayyy. Ended up we went to camwhore. BUT, unsuccessful. HAHA.
Her fave shot!^^
lets meet for dinner once a month! *
* I was a good daughter on Vesak morning.
I accompanied my parents to breakfast at tiong bahru market. The iced milo damn nice^^ & i drank two cups.
Back home to slack, play iphone, play com.
decided to catch a movie at night.
Sex and The City 2 :D We gotta smuggle an underage dude in =P
I caught part 1 two years ago. & I kinda forgot the story line. But well, its awesome afterall. Their outfit was simply FABULOUS!
met jenny & patrick at PS.
supper at rochor beancurd! OMGoshh. I FINALLY satisfied my craving! (:
jenny left for home while me & patrick headed to jas place.
iPhone multiplayers game; watch XG online;
*sexayyy swollen upper lip, patrick! HAHAHA!
Mac breakfast, & patrick left for home.
Back to jas place to sleep, return home asap when mom called & said she's feeling nausea.
HMPHH! i didnt even get to use jas macbook pro before!
in his XG world~ hahaha
:'( My sentosa bear becomes her toy.
I skipped church for consecutive 4 weeks =/MY BAD.
Went takpo for lunch with mummy. Next up,SHOPPINGGGG!
I bought my Dorothy Perkins blue denim shorts which cost a SG$ blue note! YAYY! I simply love summer clothes :D
Down to Aunt's place for dinner.
&& surprisingly, two other uncles coming along ;)
Canada trip postponed to 2011, aunt going japan instead. Dilemma now, i wanted a getaway to Msia in Sept with friends. Hmmm. Which one shld i go? =/
Almost every other day im out meeting friends for dinner.
18th May
Aiwen came back from BYU Hawaii for vacation; met them in MS for Nasi Lemak.
Germaine was tight down by in-laws dinner at Pan Pacific; so she gave us a miss =/
Dinner was more of catching up & updates.
Aiwen was tired & left for home first.
I & Huilin headed to Bugis for dessert & chatted till midnight.
All about life: families, BGR, marriage, buying house. Cant believe we are that old to talk about those now. Zzz.
Cab home then (:
Teenage girls (:
Aiwen & me :D
Huilin =)
21 May
Showflat in Dakota for Estate & Marketing Module. 1st time travelling on the Circle Line, SLOWERRRR lor. lol. the apartments damn posh lurh. TSK! I wanna marry rich husband!! :D swensens 1-for-1 lunch with Huiru thereafter. SHIOK. off to tuition.
pre-celebration for Sis birthday at park mall Fish N Co (:
the usual church ladies night out. HAHS.
the dinner was fulfilling ttm!
we each ordered a fish n chips && shared a SEAFOOD FEAST!
we had birthday cake thereafter.
I went for movie with Jaceline at Cathay; Robin Hood.
trying very hard to stay awake at 1am in the cinema.
i turned & saw a few people KO. HAHAHA =X
cab home, again.
Sis, Sarah, Celine (:
Me, Jaceline, Sis (:
The food & laughter ladies (:
"Sis, smile!" HAHAHA.
23 May met Jas in Dhoby; Astons for lunch. shop for guestbook materials. down to bugis to buy supper :D headed back to her place to eat. HAHA. caught horror film, too scared to go home, stayover until dawn & cab hm. only to realise i can choose not to go church :P
★left her thoughts at 8:32 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Im so bored that I thought blogging might help a little.
I already had the past 4 consecutive posts on Qi Yuwu; so I thought I should give it a break :)
But that doesnt mean im not blogging on him anymore. hahha.
I caught up with reading lately. Not the plain heart-wrenching novels, but something inspiring. Thanks to my Gems classes, I found my new interest. I wanted to borrow "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"; but SP library dont have. BOOO =/
Its amazing to know how the human brain work & how difference female & male brains are. LOL.
Click to enlarge.
Enough said, guess you could gauge what is my gems module huh?
Back to some personal space, its about time for yearly birthday preparation =) its something big this year; TWENTY-FIRST. Ohh man. arent we getting old?TSK.
The checklist goes a long way. Booking of chalet- checked. Invitations- checked. Decorations- uncheck. Guestbook- uncheck. Catering- uncheck. Food & necessities- uncheck.
I just hope & wish nothing get screwed at this party. On a lighter note, meeting the teenage girls tomorrow for dinner. Yippie :D sis birthday celebration at Fish N Co on Friday. Old 27 years old =X LOL besties dayout to Fig & Olive; Daiso; Spotlight on Saturday. WOOTS! Thats pure craziness~ =) buy Iphone on Sunday *keep fingers crossed*
★left her thoughts at 2:29 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010
Qi Yuwu Reflecting on Ten Years in Singapore.
Awww. Life couldnt be smooth-sailing.
What he has now is all accumulated by hard work & effort!
加油! Ah Wu =)
★left her thoughts at 7:33 PM
Saturday, May 15, 2010
4 weeks of Year 3 had passed.
Incredibly fast. Zzz.
3 more weeks to MST. CUI.
:O What had I learnt?
Update a little :D
Went to URA Centre in Maxwell Road on Monday morning for tutorial.
Not too bad, quite an interesting place.
Hungry girls went to Takpo for lunch =)
Dim Sum is always my favourite! HAHA.
widespread of food! (:
dear girls in school (:
Crazy stuff in lecture, as usual =)
& yes! my favourite thai food in FC 4 =)
HELLLO weekends~
HAHS! i tweeted "大男孩 =) =)"
my current mobile wallpaper ♥
& the main reason why i idolize him is because of his all timesMANLINESS =)
I thought my craze would subside soon. But it seems like its getting stronger each day. ARGHH.
As requested by desmond, blog what i want for birthday present (:
Please dont write "D-K-N-Y" HAHAHA!
黃小琥 不只是朋友
★left her thoughts at 3:09 AM
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
For once, I get to hear Ah Wu speaking canto throughout the whole program. HAHA =)
at 00:18, chik yuk mo. YES! i know how to pronounce his canto name! HAHAHA :D
09:27 - qi yuwu's horse riding experience. awww.
03:22- listen to his reply.HAHAHA!
★left her thoughts at 3:13 PM
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Greetings everyone! =)
Yet another awesome weekend is here.
This week's attendance in school had been bad. I had skipped 3 lessons in total; either i overslept or i was just plain lazy for classes -.-
Our FYP is still at research part. 34 weeks to submission. At the thought of it, kinda nerve-wreaking.
Im loved this Friday to the max!
1. i was hungry in class & i told huiru i wanna eat burger. despite trying to complete her tutorial, she drew this for me.HAHAHA!
2. We were at the library slacking after lunch when I received a call from Desmond, asking us to lunch together. Sadly, we ate mac already.HAHA! lets meet next friday okay^^
3. Gems class was fabulous! Team mates were entertaining. & we did personality test.
oh crap. i have very high rating for emotional stability -.-
im always worrying & alert. my life mentally is very tiring.HAHA!
4. I had a train ride to Joo Koon by myself; for only my heart knows why :D
i was hoping a little too much, a little too ridiculous.
5. last but not least; i met my idol of long :D 戚玉武( Qi Yuwu)
its was at Vis-a-Vis restaurant- 与武共餐.
OMG! i was really really tensed up the whole week.
trying means & ways to attend the event successfully!
&& hard work paid off, i did it!
it all seemed like a DREAM COME TRUE!
the idol i scream & cheered whenever he appears on national tv was right infront of me.
that kinda of excitement was beyond explanation :D
he's well-built, tall, tanned.
Simply perfectly groomed =)
he thanked everyday with a hand shake & a word of 谢谢 (thank you) followed by a wide smile :D:D
it was packed to the brim in the restaurant.
but well, what matters are photos of him (:
needless to say, i snapped as much as i can.
&& here it goes . . .
he came up to check on the preparation.
he shook EVERYONE's hands! including me, DUH~ HAHA.
his cooking needs :D
when he finally entered at 715pm! look at all the cameras & flashlights! BONKERS man.LOL~