Thursday, December 31, 2009
being the last day of 2009; i hereby wish all
click to enlarge.hee =)

1st friend of mine get married in Jan (:

The fully packed holiday trip to TAIWAN in march ;D
lovely 20th birthday celebration in June =)
BabyKieren's full month celebration ^^
Attachment during Sept-Oct
my exciting poly mates ;D
the bestest clique! =)
last but not least; MY BESTIE! JASREEL :D
★left her thoughts at
4:03 PM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
HI PEOPLE!its 2.45 am now. && im gonna update a little before going to bed (:
anyway, the main lead of this post is. . .
JEWEL! (jasreel's dog)
enjoy looking at that adorable doggy (:


sis was kinda of scare of Jewel at first.LOL.

but after awhile; she's not-too-bad =)

she looks exactly like a toydog =)

*ahem* his shuai pic. i wonder which intelligent being snapped it (:

the one sensitive to furs.wahaha =P
can i bring her home? awww.SO CUTE! =)

&& lastly; her EXTRAORDINARY pose! muahaha (:
★left her thoughts at
2:40 AM

Saturday, December 12, 2009
i ought to be studying, right now.
but thats not the case =/
WEDNESDAY. 2.12.2009it was a LONG dayout; but HAPPENING!i simply overslept this few days; to the extent that i woke up @ 7.45 when my lecture starts @ 8 =/&& with much preparation, i finally reached class @ 8.45; & stupidly enough, lecturer ends @ 9.zzzz!anyway, lessons was swift; but 10.45 my school ends.headed to the library with girls, intended to study, but was FB-ing, blog-hopping.hahahs!patrick came along after class & girls left soon after.cont mugging till 5; & left to meet zhengwei for shopping!down to anchorpoint as the guys wanna buy shirts for wedding ceremony this weekend.cotton on & G2000; cheap steal!can you believe a man's shirt in G2000 only cost $16? amazing uh ;Dwindow shop & sis came to join for dinner while ZW headed home.Xin Wang for dinner ;D&& finally off to JASREEL'S place to visit JEWEL!alright. i've NEVER seen a dog as hyperactive as jewel. no kidd.but sadly, she bites =/&& sis was damn fearful of her; & jewel kept biting sis button.LOL!while patrick's nose was sensitive to furs.wahahahahs!&& he sneezed like some FKTARD! with jewel's fur all over his socks =Xthe whole night was jewel-ing.&& finally we cabbed home past midnight.p.s: many pics taken with jewel to be uploaded asap (:THURSDAY.3.12.2009skipped school. no official lessons anyway;chiong econs journal all the way till almost 3am -.-FRIDAY.4.12.2009lesson only lasted for 1 hr; library to print journal with rach & huiru.mac breakfast & trained to harbour for shopping with huiru & pita.& i bought my 1st xmas present! ;DhmSWEEThm; coma thereafter! hahs.SATURDAY.5.12.2009planned to mug hard; but it just doesnt seems productive.guess i only work under pressure. PROCRASTINATOR! =Xheart-to-heart conversations seem lesser;
lifestyle changes one's character;
unfamiliarity arouse & one has to keep it to herself;
so much that it affects & bothers self;
wonders who to confide with?
★left her thoughts at
12:20 AM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009