WEEKEND BLAST! school's been great! so far; so good (: but tutorials, quiz are piling up; & the darn CT retest on Wed; wish me luck uh. SHINGZ!
Fridays lesson are always soSLEEPYYY! 1.2.3 & coma. but we girls were downloading "Paranormal Activity" during the annoying CT lecture.hahs. watch this trailer . . . its totally real life; & it was commented to be "the scariest movie of the year" believe it or not? up to you; im so gonna watch it when its release in Sg (:
& finally school's out for the week! (: hmSWEEThm. prepare & soon off for steamboat with YSAs @ chinatown. the steamboat had individual minipot, & it only cost $19, free flow of mango or lime juice ;D done with dinner; & celine's husband fetched me & sis back to dev's place.
& by 11pm; im out again to meet jas & ben for ktv (: hahahas.by 3am; jas & i were unconscious, leaving ben to have the mic for himself.HAHAHAHA! & we left soonafter @ 4.45am. SUPER early breakfast; & cabbed hmSWEEThm. slept through till 1pm for lunch. ((:
swimming tomorrow noon! yesyes. rain all it wants now; may it be BRIGHT & SUNNY tmr =))
&& PICTURES for the week. thats how boring CT lectures are; && it caused wencai to do this.hahs.
& in return; i made this for him.hahs.
"WC" hahahahas!
how listless we are during CT =/
celine's husband car damn cool lurh! can peer up the sky. okayy.fine.i dont know what it is called. LOL!
hotel 81 @ chinatown.LOL.
SO CHIO; if only we had a digital cam with us last night =/
it looked as if its drifting.LOL!
i dislike followers! its too much of coincidental; for God's sake; get some originality! i have what you dont; i do what you dont! mine is genuinely heart-to-heart pals. i dont care what motive you have in mind; but it simply explains one thing, you care less for people who truly loves you.
★left her thoughts at 7:14 PM
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Do you know what's worth fighting for,
When it's not worth dying for? Does it take your breath away And you feel yourself suffocating? Does the pain weigh out the pride? And you look for a place to hide? Did someone break your heart inside? You're in ruins
One, 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One, 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky, You and I
When you're at the end of the road And you lost all sense of control And your thoughts have taken their toll When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul Your faith walks on broken glass And the hangover doesn't pass Nothing's ever built to last You're in ruins
One, 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One, 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky, You and I
Did you try to live on your own When you burned down the house and home? Did you stand too close to the fire? Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone
When it's time to live and let die And you can't get another try Something inside this heart has died You're in ruins
One, 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One, 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky
One, 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One, 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky, You and I
★left her thoughts at 10:46 PM
have you ever felt everything's against your rights and will? have you ever felt as though the world is crushing down in split seconds? have you ever felt how much you wanted to go back in time? for these, yes i do.
at times people does reflections on their lives; & realized how much they missed out all along, at times when we are overly work-orientated, we tends to neglect our roots. & in our subconsciousness, we foresee positive lifestyle unexpectedly & unknowingly; on the other hand, how true can that be?
sometimes all you need is to forsake all your ego & pride, -just to learn. i came to realized this concept when i tried to speak up whats on my mind lately. a change in mentality could produce a better learner.
im turning a blind eye to whatever i sees virtually from now on; its not gonna hurt; because i know who cares (:
★left her thoughts at 12:07 AM
Monday, October 26, 2009
SATURDAY. met up with jenny to shop in town; i realized people nowadays starts to talk only they had eaten.LOL! we shopped many many! hees. & she wanted to eat those roadside ice cream; & wanted YAM flavour. & in my years of living; i seldom see people having YAM ice cream.hahahaas. & i commented that she likes YAM cause she's a teochew & teochew likes ORH NI. & the funniest part was she made her order & said : "uncle, one ORH NI ice-cream" =.= thats how silly she is. still 18 (: anyway, cheerup babe! we take turns to be moody uh.one after another. want me bring you go sinseh? hahahahs!
SUNDAY. church after 2weeks (: & i wore my contacts instead. & the lil girls got so interested with my "brown" eyes. rachel even said its red colour! =.= YSA girls planning for steamboat this friday ((: && everyone's talking about the "hottest couple" in church now =P my childhood playmate is attached now! thumbsup (: hmSWEEThm & off to swimming with sis & mom. DEAD fishes when we got home.MUAHAHAHA! =D
APOLOGIES to all friends out there! pardon for my foul mood lately; things been crazy enough for me to cry to sleep =( i dont know what exactly went wrong! but im willing to trust again. & im sorry to upset whoever involved; we are just sensitive beings. i just need a little more time to see things clearer; & to place priority again.
& to differentiate between what i saw virtually & real, i chose to believe the virtual part; which is terribly hurtful. i will try to analyze my thinking more carefully in the future to avoid any misunderstandings or any unnecessary negative emotions (:
★left her thoughts at 7:41 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
esp this song. through it all were fun! days in percussion were AWESOME! ((:
★left her thoughts at 11:41 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
ITP is finally OVER!!& back to school tmr; THUMBUPS! ;D cant wait to see my beloved poly mates; its complain time; cos ITP sucks BIG TIME!! hah.
i had the best weekend EVER b4 sch starts; BOOMS! wahahahas. alright, lets backtrack to FRIDAY; last day of work, kallang leisure park with fellow interns for KFC & arcade (: & we finally bid farewell to that old; sickening; rundown company! homeSWEEThome; rested. & headed off to meet jasreel, sis & dev for movie. movie's @ 1010 & im still home @ 10.zzz =.= DARAH.
its damn BLOODY! seriously. "aku dara" "bring me their heads" eeewww.imagine using the heels tip & poke into your eyes.GROSS!
done with movie; parted ways with sis. off to jas place to stayover. her place under upgrading; everything's wrapped up. youtube & facebook @ her place. all damn silly clips.LOLL! chatted & slept @ 5am. awake by noon; @ 1plus. cabbed home, met mom for lunch & hmSWEEThm. wash up; prepare & pack for swimming & im out again.hees! met patrick for swim, WOOTS!10 laps; im LOVING it;D down to chinatown to meet jas, her mom & uncle anthony for dinner. pub thereafter; 2 vodka lime & 2 tequila shots each! SWEE (: & the bill came up to $270. 3 children had prata for supper; EXPLODE! & back to jas crib. youtube again on zeebraaa prings; kumar & many lame clips. jas was sleepy; for once she wanted to sleep! LOL. lights off @ 4plus. me & patrick had much laughs from jas who was soundly asleep.wahahahahas. & guess due to the swimming earlier; we both couldnt sleep at all; we recorded stupid sounds. & playback each other's mobile photos. damn sad; our unglam pics are exposed! hahahahs =/ && by then; it was 7am. & somehow we both slept ;D & i was awake by 10plus; with my BESTEST ones still soundly asleep beside me. & FINALLY we got up @ 12 for DIM SUM @ tak po with jas & her parents, uncle & auntie.woahh. shopped a lil & cabbed hmSWEEThm! im totally SHAGGED! =/ showered; tv; & slept. awake for dinner. & here im blogging.
classics of the wonderful weekend; 1. i was trying to tell jas got orange; but i said GOR-range instead =.= hahas. 2. jas murmured "applications" in her sleep.HAHS! 3. patrick tidying his hair actions; with jas mom making fun.LOl! 4. jas mom wanted to said "expose her" but she said "explode her" instead. BOOMS! haahahaha.
& LASTLY; my new dream phone! release in Jan 2010 ;D
★left her thoughts at 11:15 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
HOORAYYY!!! 2 more days to end of ITP! & back to school ((: life's been BOREDto death lately, & i had a great accomplishment on Sunday; i could swim from one end to the other without stopping. okayy; this may be simple to many, but STILL, its a great accomplishment for me ;D more to go!
work has been simpler lately; to the extent of delete, copy, paste. how interesting can that be uh. ask me :"what have you learn during this attachment?" "DELETE, COPY, PASTE" hahahahs. seriously; no joke, been doing that the past 6weeks =.=
lets PARTY this weekend before school starts! WOOHHHOOOOO~
the following pics are just-for-laughs. when 5 girls get bored @ work; we do crazy stuffs! ((:
&& the followings are "before & after" SPASTIC!! wahahahahs.
we were trying to form a HEART.hahs LOVESLOVES ((:
it feels like a roller coaster ride; it brings you excitement cause you cant expect whats ahead; it makes you yearn for more when its so thrilling; but when its over; all you are left is an empty shell of past memories.