Monday, September 28, 2009
right now @ work;
& SURPRISINGLY theres no work to be done since 9am.hahs.
& that explains why im blogging now =X
more updates ahead . . .
kaes; lets backtrack to last monday (21 sept)
hmSWEEThm to singapore from malaysia.
1st stop in Sg was Chinatown for dinner;
& finally hmSWEEThm (:
it never felt any better to get home.
but with bruises; bites & scratches on me & sis.haa.
& finally a GOODNIGHT rest!

thursday (24 sept) back to office; after 5 days of HOLIDAYS! it felt a lil weird to be away from work so long; & its DAMN SIANZ..hahas! met regina & micheal after work @ town, chats & laughs; yovita came thereafter & they left for movie; while i headed home =) TGIF (25 sept) work; work; work. excel database =/ intended to meet jas & ben for dinner & movie; but SADLY, postponed to Sunday. saturday (26 sept)WOOTS! shopping with MUMMY! ;D 3 pairs of coloured contact lenses; 1 bag, 1 leather pouch, 1 cardigan, 1 top =) & thereafter met huiru @ harbourfront to go nys place. woahh.MEE SOTO & lontong.DAMN YUMMY lurhs ;D chat & slack & hmSWEEThm.sunday (27 sept) church as usual; lunched with family @ tiong market; & HOMED. prepare & off to meet jas & ben for dinner & movie!! yayyy~ lots of laughters & entertainment. daiso, dogs viewing & arcade! hahs.i LOVE them, yes! ;Dhearsay whatever it is;
you know, i know.
for nothing last FOREVER.
follower make good pals,
for it will NEVER be the same again =)
very worth watching! ;D
shall give it 4 out 5.
for horror lovers, watch it! =))

ben's shades =)

★left her thoughts at
10:42 AM

Saturday, September 26, 2009
im here to blog =)
Friday (18 sept)
work as usual; met up with BESTEST ones for shopping @ town;
bestie got herself two tees, while me & xiaodi got nothing -.-
next up was dinner @ a HK restaurant in taka.
walk around taka; & woots . . . MAGNETIC force! muahahaha.
& finally hmSWEEThm to pack baggage for YSA CONVENTION!! ((:
simply laughs & smiles ;D
BESTIES! ♥"COME WHAT MAY, AND LOVE IT!"SINGAPORE STAKE YSA CONVENTION 200919 sep - 21 sepMawai Eco Camp, Tanjong Sutera Resort19 SEPT (DAY 1)
off to checkpoint; on board coach ;D
boat ride across river to Mawai Eco Camp!
lunch @ eco camp; the entire structure are purely made from wood! =/
it was pouring heavily! & they went ahead with the water obstacles; but not us! LOL~

done with water obstacles and we proceeded to nature walk in the jungle!
tough & terrible experience, swampy walk, & with mud depth up to KNEE LEVEL.ewww~
dinner thereafter;
followed by boat ride to see the fireflies!!
its seriously TOUGH when boarding the engine boat esp when its LOW TIDE!
sis seriously freaked out.hahahas!
the FIREFLIES were amazing;
& no phototaking allowed -.-
getting out of the boat was another CHORE!
but luckily my 6th uncle was there; & he said :"dont worry; uncle leonard is here" PHEW~~hehe!
&& finally we check in to our RESORT!! =))

we took almost 1 hour to settle our lightings in the house! =/

we have 5 beds! =)
but only 3 occupants.HAA!

nice seh ((:

20 SEPT (DAY 2)
RISE & SHINE . . .

21 SEPT (DAY 3)
★left her thoughts at
12:39 PM