ALOHA!! yesterday was an estimated hour journey to sch, an hour lecture & thats all for the day.hahs! train ride with huiru, home for her, & clarke quay for me. & met dearest BESTIE girl for dinner @ liang court. its an Italian-cum-Japanese restaurant. & the pricing isnt costly at all. you can simply enjoy a rib steak for $14++ or so. && the highlight of the restaurant is that it provides free flow of drinks for a mere $2.38! =) for any thirst quenchers, head down immediately.hahahs! * * * * & we headed off to clarke quay after dinner. sat by the river infront of central mall & chat. it never felt any better to talk to jas, cause she gave the most sensible advises & evaluations. & the verdict is, its all along a PRIDE im waiting to achieve. & yes, it doesnt matter if the mistakes or wrongs are being apologized now or in the future, because it will never be the same again. & its time to move on to the next chapter. i finally found what i wanted, when the most unwanted left (: * * * * as for today's lessons are only CT & gems, thus, i decided to skip. stayover @ Jasz place. caught a HK horror drama @ 2plus AM on tv. all the bloody, greeny images are so freaky luh. && finally we turn in @ 4.30 or so. i was subconscious when bestie was still talking away. & by 7.30, we were both awaken by the glaring lights.hahs~ Jasz mom had came in to wake us up for sch. & finally after much preparation, we left home @ 9. train with her to Jurong, & then i U-turn back & headed home.hee~ okayy.. i gotta go have my brunch now. granny cooked curry *slurps* & soonafter, i gotta catch some beauty sleep before meeting sis in the evening! busy day~ * * * * LOOK! FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD~ this is the set dish we ordered, scallops!
my main course, beef & pork!
Jasz rib steak!
reflection~ i LOVE the purple glass =)
the bunny pose.
she seems to love kiddy rides.hahss!
ah-HAAAA! =)
muahahaha~ LJ! ling*jasreel (:
LOL! this was the 7th attempt~ & finally we shot it perfectly.
★left her thoughts at 10:32 AM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
morning classes are cancelled cause of the ABE's graduation. & that explains why im blogging early in the morning.hahs! shall go school later, at like 1pm or so.
blame it on my natural instinct, but the sensitivity in me is always there. i dont wanna experience misinterpretation of my true self. i just want to know what went wrong, just after a day. sweetest!
★left her thoughts at 10:48 AM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
HI EVERYONE! half the week had passed, & still nothing much of revision is done =/ i ought to get started, like immediately. hahaha! & since its the 27th today. something special came onto my mind, in an exact month's time, im turning 20! i gotta bid farewell to the TEEN yrs & move on the TWENTIES. i was evaluating & recalling my past birthday celebrations. firstly, its gonna be the 6TH TIME im celebrating bday with my DEAREST BESTIE GIRL! we are both born exactly a day apart! at 3plus PM~ hahahahah! luckily we were in different hosp, if not she could might as well be lying in the incubator beside me! (: * * * our 15th birthday @ east coast (: pardon the following photos, its kinda of blurr.been ages you see..LOL~
SIX.FIVE! we were idolizing 5566 back then! =X BESTIESS~
opps! i find this super classic lah. JAS & ZHIXIAN (:
*bestie, you knw i dont mean it* LOLS! jas,zhongyang, shihai & me!
& yes, one of my best cliques ever! =) top - shihai, desmond, zhongyang bottom - kristy, me, jas * * * 16th birthday @ bukit purmei's BBQ pit. i dont have any pics of that with me =( but the highlight of that year was that i received a jar of homemade cookies from an ex boyf (: & that makes it all memorable =D & if im not wrong, regina rushed to my celebration after her flight from Indo. & kristy got all JUNE's bday girls each a puremilk top.HAHS~ & there were regina (20th), andrea (24th), me (27th) & jas (28th) ((: * * * * 17th birthday @ east coast chalet! one of the highlight of the celebration was my private sch peeps, the TYLC guys! (: omgg. i should have video the way they each cycled in, 1 after another. & they had school on the day itself, yet they still made it to the celebration. but it was kinda of negative for this, because the OSS & the TYLC cliques are totally unknown to each other =/
top - daniel, weijian, shen da, gopi bottom - leonard, alex, chee meng, chee leng
the AH BENGs. hahahs~ * * * * 18th birthday @ sakura orchard. basically it isnt a big celebration, just a casual dinner & get together (: peeps who came: wantian, liling, yingying, zhixian, pengpeng, cheeleng && together with me & bestie. & the classic of the day was that we cut our birthday cake @ cine =( kinda of pathetic uhh. * * * * 19th birthday @ steamboat, beach rd. yet another simple dinner & get together. wonderful ones= wantian, liling yingying, jenny, ben liew, peng peng,zhixian. kinda of bored. as bestie gotta rushed back to chalet. * * * alright! thats about all~ lets look forward to my 20th birthday this year.
★left her thoughts at 9:05 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009
haloo! its a new week (: term test is commencing in a week's time, & i had apparently did nothing much yet. indulging in restaurant city, downloading movie & blog hopping throughout the weekend.hahs! lets see wadsup for today. nyssa & pita skipped accounts, i was so reluctant to do so too! BUT, i force myself up & cabbed to sch. & for that, i'm called a gd girl (im not angel hor) LOL!! school's pretty much alright today. lunch-ed with KC & ZS (: MBW was as usual incomplete & puzzled. HOWEVER, theres no mock test tmr *phew* structures was replaced by planning of 2A/01's BBQ during vacation! the lecturer was seriously a clown, with his strange accent & pronunciation. huiru,nys & me just couldnt stop laughing. & we INK-GER-NOR (ignore) the lecture completely. wahahahas!! & thus, the day had come to an end. homeSWEEThome. * * * * alright. i just had a night walk with ANGEL-the-dog & terence like 30 mins ago.hahs! its a black cocker spaniel. tiring & sweaty, all becos of the unbearable weather! z.z.z.Z.. angel is quite obedient =) for a good reason, she doesnt bark nor bite. BUT, terence just msg & said angel seems to be in pain! awww =( hope she's gonna be okay tmr uhh.
(: thats Angel -(after an hour of walk) * * * & i had a hilarious tele conversation with terence in the evening. he was on his way to chinatown. me: go chinatown for wad? ter: wei she mo yao gen ni jiang? ni shi shui? (why shld i tell u? who are you?) me: jiang lah.wo shi yiling lurhh. (say yiling lurhh) me: you tell me, i give you XIANG.hahahaha (xiang=joss sticks) ter: wo you dai XIANG chu men, wo sheng shang you XIANG (i brought joss sticks out, its with me) me: wahahahaha! xiang?! you brought XIANG out? serious? ter: QIANG lah..what XIANG! (gun lah.what joss-sticks) me: i said XIANG not QIANG. conclusion, pronounciation sucks! & he's lame one lahh.QIANG on him. ***ehh.buddy, cuter lah! you tak faham my pronounciation uhh! muahahaha (:**
aww =( im gonna miss LG ice-cream! back to its owner on thurs.
people come & go, unpredictably.
★left her thoughts at 11:24 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to my BELOVED SISTER~ ((: ** hope you enjoy your 26th celebration! may your dreams & wishes come true ** muacks! =D
* * * * helllooo.skipped GEMS today =/ dont wanna go & act as though the lecture on cust svcs is so interesting by putting on a fake smile to entertain the lecturer. & on the negative view, this is what we call peer pressure. when one backout, the rest follows. BUT on the positive view, this is team spirit. all for one/one for all! muahahaha! & obviously i prefer skipping class. tell me who doesnt uhh? hahs! im supposed to meet Sab & Jas later. but was postponed as sab-the-mother-to-be is feeling dizzy currently. awww.expectant woman are likely prone to discomfort uhh. **JAS! our aura is gettin strongerrrr.wahahahas! =D ** & i gotta go collect my cranky w760i in the evening =/ * * * * & here are 2 fabulous songs i replayed the whole morning while travelling to school hahs! ((: listen listen.its nice!
★left her thoughts at 3:16 PM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
it wasnt fun at all today. dearest sweeties spent 3hrs in LT1A/A doing nothing productive.hahahs. we were supposed to help out for the national earthquake competition, to usher in sec sch students, but there were only pathetic 3 peeps.LOL! & so, sweeties were indulging in facebook & movies ((: * * * * its a slang of FANTASTIC.wahahas!
((: sweeties! yiling.nys.hui ru & pita!!
LOL! they had the same expression,unplanned =D
the 'twist' belongs to NYS! hahs.
* * * * alright, thats roughly so much about school! yesterday went chinatown with XD after school. money changer, collect contact lens & finally settled @ mac for accts =/ like CHIM only~ i dont understand the terms luh. A2 scorer does make a difference uhh.AT LEAST i knw a lil now.hahas! & yes, my irritating & sucky W760i is faulty again! 1st, it hung on me when i took pics, then it was unable to detect my memory card. & lastly i couldnt PRESS THE BUTTONS! =.= im gonna get it fix again for the THIRD SICKENING TIME!! arggghhh!! okayy~ chill. @ least for a good reason, im using LG ice-cream as spare phone now! =D credits goes to non other than my BESTIE, JASREEL TAN lahh.hahahs! xie xie ni~! wo ai ni~! . . . .de dian hua! HAHAHA~ * * * presenting to you; our NOT-SO-GLAM moments. muahahaha! ((:
its still normal @ the beginning . . .
stil can make it uhh
still okkayy lahh. still presentable luhh
& gradually. . . . our expressions takes on a different dimension. LOL!~
keep out.we are in great thoughts!
WhatTheHell! =S
TATA! thats all for today,stay tune. i gotta get prepare & meet beloved sister to purchase MUMMY'S birthday present! BYEEEE~!