YAYYYYY! school's out for the next three days LONG weekend! (: & i merely slept for 5 hrs last night? was on the line with GLORIOUS BESTIE for 3hrs.hahs! we had so much to talk suddenly, it seemed as though we hasnt talked for years. i've to admit she's the BESTEST friend of mine ever! unknowingly, we shared the same sentiment, just that we both dared not voice out the exact same issue =) thats so much of being born a day different! LOL. * * * * & obviously school was never better. people seems more friendly lately, its a good start for yr 2, i hope =) i wondered how many attentive ones were actually listening to PMM lecture. for the best answer, i supposed triangle isnt.hahs! because we were:
X-men-ing with pens as gears,
fitting on bangles, trying to pull them apart,
highlighting notes as though i was competing for the nicest highlighted notes award,
evaluating our tanned skin after an hour of lunch break in the sun,
portraying the silliest expressions,
demonstrating all ridiculous actions.
wahahahahas! ((:
BORING lecture caused me to doodle this =X
hahaha.she's always full of mesmerizing facial expressions =) *i've decided not to post her awfully unglam pic here! because. . . what comes around goes around.BE NICE,peeps! ((:*
& lastly, the newest infrastructure in campus =)
★left her thoughts at 8:51 PM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
imagine a frail person giving morning call. awww..thats so nice uhhh.WAHAHAS! & yes, today i received the most APPRECIATED & weak morning call from mr sickly.hahaha.. sighh..ok lah.i really appreciate terence's morning call =D skipped BS practical in the morn without any pre-arranged intention, was already on the way to school when terence was making his way to Alexandra Hosp. it so happened that i boarded the same bus as him. & as usual, that exhausted & weak familiar face of his greeted me with a smile (: i wanted to accompanied him to A&E, but was flatly declined by him. but who cares? when i say im going, im DEFINITELY going.hahs.. moreover, how could i leave mr sickly alone? well. registration, consultation, x-ray & observation done for him. but i had to leave for sch to meet sweeties for lunch. & so, he's back into the observation bay & i cabbed to school. im not the ingrateful sort, & so, i repaid his morning calls by accompanying him =D * * * school day started for me only in noon when xiaodi had already gone home! z.z.Z we did COLOURINGfor CT tutorial, (but for that 1 particular qns only luh)can you imagine that? =.= im beginning to realise that my course is totally absurd! gggrrrr.. & the final lesson of the day was BRAIN-WREAKING! calculations & measurements. & it seemed like that the lecturer isnt sure of the answers himself =/ *external girth, mean girth, internal girth* sweeties SELF-DECLARED breaktime after almost all brain cells are used up.haha. & finally homeSWEEThome !
★left her thoughts at 6:08 PM
Monday, April 27, 2009
MONDAY BLUES!=/ its just the beginning of the week, & everyone seemed so fatigued.hahah..
met up with missy wantian on sat @ tiong (: long chat. from days in class to days in band. wahahaha.& all the fun experiences we had in band. somehow things were so much simpler back then. & she understands how i feel exactly; most imptly, we shared the same sentiment. "sometimes, its time to SHUT UP!" wahahahas =D
sunday's church was never better than other days =) my girls are always so adorable & naive. sis came into my class for a lil while, & the 3 youngest ones immediatety hid under the table & started murmuring :"monster,monster!" wahahahahas! im sorry, sis. i merely told them ONCE that you're monster & they remembered it vividly. dont worry, i'll get them to address you Ai Ling, soon, i hope. LOL! YSA/SA temple trip to either Manilla or Hongkong ((: please please, let it be the first week of Jun, awww.i want germaine to go too =((
school's pretty fun today. apart from the draggy & dry accounts & finance, rest of the day was great! & youngest sweety is now named HONG HONG.LOL! no no.wrong..its hongS hongS! =D headed to science centre for the screening of [THE ALPS], the omnitheatre in science centre was so cool! there wasnt any big screen at the front, but you literally view the film from above you! the theatre was a sphere-shaped.AWFULLY cool~ hahs. =)
will you be there too, mr fraud magician? ((:
★left her thoughts at 5:58 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
days had been passing by so swiftly this week, unknowingly its FRIDAY tomorrow, which means WEEKEND is near! ((: school's been awfully great. lots of nonsensical jokes among triangle, & thats the reason why i LOVE my two SWEETIES! =D * * * well.im sorry =( i dont know what triggered my foul attitude yesterday, but PERHAPS it was that repeatedly appearance of sarcasmthat got me absolutely troubled. i merely wanted someone to listen to me, & i just wanted to rant it out. & for the stupid-est/noob-est reason; i screwed it up. i knew you did listened, afterall =) many apologies . . . * * * * okayy..next up are some photos during durian & ECP outing with TRIANGLE!
my BELOVED sweeties (:
the YOUNGEST, she's just too cute to be ignored at times =)
red-nys/yellow-mine! =)
yes,yes..she's too nice to be ignored (:
cycling attempt 1 for miss pita =]
it all had been a YEAR! =D
complete TRIANGLE shot! like after sooo long babes ((:
arent they lovable? hahaha! =)
look at her cheekiness! my best joke mate in class =))
★left her thoughts at 6:08 PM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
HELLO! i had just gotten the pics from jasreel's blog =) presenting to you . . . . my DEAREST CLIQUE! i LOVE them all, cause they are the BEST!! ((:
left to right: zhixian.yiling.terence.benjamin.jasreel
* * * * im beginning & trying to get back on track in school. no more lousy grades this sem (: lessons are okay. the BS lecturer was kinda of comical. his shocked expression simply made everyone giggle early in the morning.hahs! & apart from tutorials. . . lectures . . . triangle was in our own world, laughing over our own issues =DD
stake talent night was great! with the many wards coming together to bring out the performance =) & yes, CLEMENTI WARD did MAGIC TRICKS! super awesome okay. & i did my part in vanishing silk & 4 aces! woahhh *applause* hahahaha! sis went for hairdo after which.& we had SPIZE near river valley for dinner at like 10plus? * * * * SUNDAY church as per normal. im beginning to adore rena & renee more! they are so adorable =D & rena was so cute that during sharing time she went like :"arrr..im so tired" & began stretching her arms..LOL! she's only 4yrs old luh..darn CUTE! ((: homeSWEEThome after lunch with family at BM. * * slacked a little at home & off to meet clique at bugis for dinner & movie! yayyy~ okay.i reached slightly earlier & the rest were nowhere to be seen, so i rang [sai tui lou] up & asked him to accompany me talk.LOL! it was just a very silly conversation throughout. trying hard to speak in Canto, but i just sucks in it =/ ggrrr! zhixian & terence came, waited for bestie & off to purchase movie tix! ben came & we dined at the asian kitchen in Iluma. *JAS JAS!!* ".......##@%^walan eh" wahahahahahas! lots of experience to share as both ben & zhixian just returned home from ShenZhen. & then we headed for movie (:
17 AGAIN!!! ohmy!! ZAC EFRON is seriously H-O-T! muahahaha.
What would you do if you got a second shot at life? Class of 1989, Mike ODonnell is a star on his high school basketball court with a college scout in the stands and a bright future in his grasp. But instead, he decides to throw it all away to share his life with his girlfriend Scarlett and the baby he just learned they are expecting. Almost 20 years later, Mikes glory days are decidedly behind him.
His marriage to Scarlett has fallen apart, he has been passed over for a promotion at work, his teenage kids think he is a loser, and he has been reduced to crashing with his high school nerd-turned-techno-billionaire best friend Ned. But Mike is given another chance when he is miraculously transformed back to the age of 17. Unfortunately, Mike may look 17 again, but his thirtysomething outlook is totally uncool in the class of 2009. And in trying to recapture his best years, Mike could lose the best things that ever happened to him.
i shall rate this 4.5/5 stars!! its really an AWESOME film =D camwhored in bugis junction before heading home. & finally, bus homeSWEEThome =) * * * * MONDAY SCHOOL STARTED! YEAR 2 commenced. & i merely slept for approx 4hrs z.z.Z.Z~ i just couldnt fall asleep lah! -.- & the next thing i know, it was ard 6.30am when my hp vibrated. & i answered the call still feeling superb blur & tired =/ "ehh.its 6.30..wake up wake up wake up!!" alright..guess who's that? okayy.it was terence.LOL! i hung up soon after, & went back to sleep. hp vibrated at 6.45 again. & i told him to call me at 7 instead.haha. ohh man.i was so reluctant to get up. BUT FINALLY i woke up at 7~ he's nice in a way luh.he called the fourth time at 7.15 just to make sure im awake. & i told sis about it. & sis said :"he's like alarm clock leh..can snooze one.every 15mins" hmmm! yes,i agree.muahahahaha! =D yeah.anyway,THANK YOU TERENCE! appreciated ((: * * *SCREAMMMMM* FIRST lesson on the FIRST day of YR 2 was accounts & finance! sianz diao =.=!!! calculations, maths & whatever accounting stuffs. lunch break was filled with laughter with beloved sweeties =] "she's approaching the victim" commented the youngest sweety. HAHAHAHAHA! the following modules was kinda of bored thereafter =/
★left her thoughts at 5:27 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
heyo! holidays coming to an end =( sch's starting in like 4 days. but nevertheless, im still enjoying holidays to the fullest!
WEDNESDAY alright. finally triangle met up yesterday for our long ago planned DURIAN session! ((: met at Aljunied station & we footed along geylang lorong 20+ to 10+ to find DURIANS. hahahaha! & we ordered 3 durians & 3 coconuts. ate, chat, laughed. & since it was still early, we decided to go east coast to catch the sunset =) we rented bikes & blades. nyssa & i on bike while youngest pita on blades. settled on the rock & talked & camwhored. pics are in pita's cam, to be uploaded asap when i got them. mC spicy for dinner, & finally homeSWEEThome! ((: it was a FRUITFUL day.hahas!
yeah.tats our DURIANS!
* * * TUESDAY meet up with bestie,sis & terence for Sakae Sushi @ Park Mall. it was terence's idea. he has the craving for sakae like so randomly lah. anyway, sis joined us later cause she had work. & yes, we camwhored alot this time round. hahaha! shopped a lil at PS since it was still early. psycho-ed terence to visit jas place. among those in our clique, he's the only one that hasnt been there before.NOOB! =X hahaha. sis headed home as she was extremely tired, while we proceeded to jas place (: as usual, orientation in her new flat.& then we slack in her room. watched tv,chatted & FOUGHT~ yes,we FOUGHT! with terence.cat fight, pillow fight, soft toys fight. **ter, dont ever provoke girls!** LOL! & finally we left ard 11+ as that ter was tired. bus- homeSWEEThome! * * * photos of the day
i LOVE them! the bestest ones of mine! ((:
haha! terence looked damn wei qu lorr..
eeeekk..yes, im very disgusted by you! LOl~
whats your problem? HAHAH!
oh no!! speak NO evil! =X
BFF! ((:
SUNDAY went trekking with my family. super tiring! we walked like for HOURS! =/ arrrgggghhh. * * * HENDERSON WAVES (:
monkeys! there were a few of them.zzz.. *i only came to know on that day that monkeys are called [ma lao] in cantonese when my yi ma said that* LOL.what a name!
the monkey think its funny ahh..balancing act.LOL!!
hahah! this is a very classic venue for filming in the past (:
uh huh.thats me, 5th uncle, mummy, yi ma & 4th uncle (: