She knows every single bit of happenings in my life.
Stand by each other for countless years.
My superwoman! =)
Right from day 1 of poly, this girl has been with me (: Through all the cravings, laughters & happiness.
Thanks babe! You've really been a great sweety (: Study hard in SIM! AH RU - Sleeping beauty.
My alarm clock for morning lesson, & when either one of us overslept, both skip class. LOL.
She has the most ambitious dream, yet to fulfil. JIAYOU =)
This dude doesnt behave in any way like a cheena. Very helpful & hopeful guy (:
Take care & all the best in CD! Heat-tolerance!
The boyish face of his makes his wrds so believing; but he will always end it with "just joking" HAH! He likes to act secretive. All the best in life ahead =)
He has the most steady attitude. Everything also "set! I on! Steady!"
We love gossips!
ARMY BOY in 2 weeks time. GOOD LUCK! =)
Da Jie of all (: We like to turn around & crap during breaktime. All the best in work (:
Rachel & Huiqi - The tweeny mini two.
I & rach loves story telling in class. We text although we are just 1 row away in class. HAHA. Keep on texting yea!
Huiqi- the lil powder girl.
She likes to smile (: Very cheerful and bubbly character. All the best!
My No.1 Xiaodi.
I really appreciate his presence! =)
Simply said, he's just incredibly AWESOME in my life.
JIAYOU for FYP & exams ahead. You can do it boy!
★left her thoughts at 12:15 AM
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I'd better catch some time now to blog.
My 3 yr old Acer laptop decide to die on me after an accident at playhouse.
Oh well. & I got myself a new HP laptop after much nagging & scolding.
& it feels kinda awkward blogging frm my new laptop. hah.
Anyway, I'm starting work tomorrow at a jap MNC as admin/accts asst. Time to earn some solid income. HAHA. Oh man, & at the thought of reporting to wrk frm 8 to 530pm on weekdays really turn me off. URGHHH.
I'd better get some sleep before it's too late.
★left her thoughts at 10:16 PM
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I'm currently chasing this drama like mad! (:
Left with 6 more episodes.
OHMAN. & the 18th episode was the worst. Got carried away by the emotions of the female lead & was weeping away just like her in the show. Sometimes I guess that's what people say "close to heart" :(
Anyway, Lin Feng is not only a good singer, but a good actor too! (: